WP4 – Measurement methods for passive inter-modulation in communication systems
The aim of this work package is to develop and validate novel measurement methods to evaluate the PIM of RF electrical signals used in communications systems. These methods will be suited for industry-grade connectors. WP4 will focus on continuous wave (CW) signals.
The work package is divided into three tasks, the aims of which are:
- Task 4.1. to establish precise and traceable RF power and S-Parameter measurement capabilities in industrial RF connector systems
- Task 4.2. to establish traceable measurements of PIM signals in industrial RF connector systems, using the traceable RF power and S-Parameter measurement capabilities developed in Task 4.1
- Task 4.3. perform PIM testing of typical devices used in communications systems under different measurement conditions, including different power levels and different ambient temperatures
WP Leader
Ahmed Sayegh, PTB
email: ahmed.sayegh@ptb.de